Saturday, November 9, 2013

Let's Hike a Mountain!

Woo Hoo! Today was such a fun day! My husband and I slept in then went and hike a trail called "Section 16" it is here in Colorado Springs and it was fun! It was a beautiful day and the trail was not too hard (other than my normal back issues)! We hiked 6.06 miles in 2 1/2 hours! I am so glad I finished the hike because I am super out of shape. Well, I mean I have a shape but it is round! haha I got some really nice pictures of us! Which made me realize I want to dive into photography a little bit more! I would like to make hiking a weekly activity! I need to find me a friend who likes that sort of thing! 


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Check out the tabs at the top of my page!

Make sure y'all check out the other tabs at the top of my page! I have LOTS of yummy recipes! 

"Let's talk about sex baby"

Just kidding! Let's talk about making a baby!

Have you ever noticed that once you tell people you are trying to have a baby everyone has the perfect thing to do to get pregnant? That is how it seems to be for me anyway. I am grateful for all the advice but I think it is funny how there are so many "perfect ways to get pregnant."

So far I have heard...

Have sex the day you are ovulating
Have sex three days before you ovulate
Take prenatal vitamins
Take 800mcg Folic Acid
Elevate your hips after sex
Get drunk and have sex
Don't think about it

While some of these have had medical research studies done on them I am quite certain most of them haven't or have been proven to have no effect.

While it may have no effect I have been taking prenatal vitamins and Folic Acid. It is a good idea to already be taking them when you get pregnant and it helps with hair and nail growth so why not! I have also gotten and ovulation kit that way we will at least know when I am ovulating! Other than that I think it will happen when it happens and if it doesn't then maybe that is how it is supposed to be! One last thing I have been doing is praying about it. While I haven't always been the most religious person over the last year I have been learning more and more and I strongly believe in praying!

Doesn't it also seem like while you are trying to get pregnant EVERYONE you know gets pregnant? I have seen that 3 of my friends are pregnant just today! Congrats to them but geez! 

Leave me a comment and let me know what old wives' tales you have heard about getting pregnant! Who knows, they might just work! :)