Things The Lewellyn's Say

This was originally going to be dedicated to things my husband says but I have recently found I say some odd/funny things that need to be shared. 

James- Hey baby...
Me- Yeah?
James- Lunch isn't going to make itself!

Me- I bought you ice cream for your birthday
      I already ate some
James- My wife ladies and gentlemen, the ice cream thief!

Siri- Route to 'insert our address' 
Me- You gave that bitch our address?
James- Well at least she is smart!

James asks me to get him something from the kitchen and when I tell him to get it himself because I am cooking he pretends to cry and "drag" himself into the kitchen...this is what I see come around the corner into the kitchen 

James- I just tried to fit the cat's head in my mouth. He came at me. It's all I could do. 

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