Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It's Christmas! A phrase with translates to LAZY in the Lewellyn house. Haha! 

This was pretty much the layout of our day...
James plays Call of Duty
Laney gets on Pinterest
James plays Call of Duty
Laney Naps
James plays Call of Duty
Laney Cooks Dinner

haha we are such exciting people!

I hope everyone is staying safe in the Blizzard warning in my home town/state! Be careful if you are out driving! Oh and go sledding for me! 
Yesterday I told James that since it is 70 degree and obviously won't be snowing here that we should get skate boards and put some sort of sled like object (I said a mattress haha) on them and roll down the hill on it haha! He said it sounded like a disaster! 

What did y'all do for your Christmas?

I think Christmas will be more exciting for us once we have kids but for now we will make it a lazy day! 

Don't forget to vote for my next hobby! And don't forget to check out my recipe section of my blog!       

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