Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sleepless in...Enterprise??

For some reason the past few nights I haven't been able to fall asleep quickly. This is how it was when I first moved here but that went away after awhile but...hello sleepless night seem to be back! Yay...not! Oh well, at least I get to leave a post for y'all! 

Gym time has become my favorite part of the day!!! Until my husband gets off work of course! But what better way to pass a couple hours while he is at work than to work my butt off in the gym! I have went to the gym everyday this week. I didn't just go to the gym and wonder around trying to figure out what I should do or do something for a little bit and get bored like I usually do. Everyday this week I have went and it has been productive:
Monday-Holiday The Gym Was Closed
Tuesday- Ab Lab and Strong Bodies
Wednesday- Sprinning
Thursday- Ab Lab, Strong Bodies, Ran a Mile
Tomorrows plan is spinning and then either run or stair climber...I have been saying I am going to do the stair climber all week but I keep talking myself out of it! Here's to hoping for more motivation tomorrow! 

Today James got home for lunch right after I got home from the gym. I love when he gets to come home for lunch! While he was home we watched a movie. I can't remember the name because when I asked him what it was I didn't hear his answer so I asked again and he said it has Matthew McConaughey in it and he is shirtless a more questions from me! Who cares what it is called I was going to love it no matter what. That man is hot! Ha!

I got to open the windows in the house today! It was almost 70^. This is my favorite temperature! I would love if it stayed like this year round, everywhere! Sorry to my Indiana and Colorado peeps I know it is snowing there! yuck! Mom you really need to come visit and get out of that gross white stuff! I have really been wanting to wear my sundress the past few day and it is warm enough. The only problem is my bruises from bootcamp haven't went away yet and I really don't like the idea of showing off my arms when it looks like someone beat me. I am sure my husband would get horrible looks. 

I mentioned in a short post earlier that I am really hitting it hard and trying to get my Scentsy business in gear! I am excited to say that I have been putting extra effort towards my sales! I always want to make more sales but now I am pushing for it! Let me know if you are interested in ordering or selling Scentsy! I can hook you up! :)

I don't know if I have mentioned it on here or not but I LOVE MUSIC! I strongly believe that music can help you in almost any situation. There is a song for everyone! Recently I have been obsessed with Florida-Georgia Line. Their entire album is awesome! I have really been stuck on this song this week:
Okay so I posted two because I couldn't just choose one! The first one I posted is called "It'z Just What We Do" The second is called "Tell Me How You Like It" Seriously though you should all get their who album it is awesome! I really want to see them live! hopefully the next place we live is somewhere that has a lot more live music. I guess I got spoiled working at a concert venue in Indiana while I was in college then I moved to Tennessee and could go to Nashville easily. Heck on our second date James took me to see Miranda Lambert at the CMA Festival! He  
                                            started off strong for sure!

I got a comment today from another blogger tell me how she likes my blog! Awesome! That makes me feel good! I am glad someone likes my ramblings! That is probably what I should have titled this blog - Ramblings- because that is basically all I do! 

So growing up I was a dancer since I was very young and until I went to college. I mean I still consider myself a dancer. That is a life and I don't think it ever really goes away. The thing is there aren't really any adult ballet classes. I really want to take my point shoes to the gym and use the room they have there when the fitness classes aren't using it. It is basically a dance floor and it has mirrors on two walls which is awesome. I just don't want to look silly if other people walk in the room, which they will. Maybe I need to just get over it. It's not like I would be dancing around the room really. I just want to work back to pointe strength and work on some turns. 

What's that? It's Throw back Thursday for photos... well of course it is!!!! Hope you enjoy these! 

 2007-Senior Prom with two friends

            2008-on the roof of my house
 2009 - Australia
2010-At the bar with my friend Nate

2011- Ball State University Graduation with my friend Nate

Dang I miss hangin out with Nate...We really need to catch up. I will have to text him soon! 

Okay y'all I am going to go try to go to sleep again! Good night!

I'm Too Scentsy For Your Wicks...

I have really been kicking it into gear with Scentsy this week! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Scentsy and I love selling it even more! Being a Independent Scentsy Consultant is awesome! I am really trying to get my business off the ground and that is where I need the help of those around me. I need people to book parties!!!!

You know what would be even better! If one your you lovely readers would see how amazing Scentsy is and join my Scentsy family! It is so easy to join and only $99! Contact me today -

Visit my website and buy some Scentsy of your own!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

odds and ends

So today my husband informed me that I need to post in my blog. I was completely unaware that he was even reading this blog haha! Well James I posted in my blog tonight! I hope you as well as everyone else enjoy some personal branding talk. But since I now know that you will for sure see this I am, as promised, posting your fake crying face picture from this evening.

Yes, everyone this is my husband. I have no idea what I said but this is the crying face he made...

All joking aside I haven't posted on here in a bit so I should fill y'all in...

Bootcamp is over! YAY! The last day of bootcamp was a tough one. We did the NCO course. I am not sure if I touched on this before or not but the NCO course involves crawling under some ropes, climbing and inverted ladder, high knees through tires, climbing a wall, and climbing a rope. The wall and the rope I am incapable of doing. But believe me I tried. I even have the bruises to prove it haha. We also did our post 6 week weight and measurements. I am proud to say I lost 2 pounds, 3 inches off my waist, 1.5 inches off my hips, and .5 inches off my thighs. While I am happy it's over I now have to make up my own workouts. It was so easy to know that I was going to get an hour workout without any thought on my part! Now I just have to keep at it and not allow myself to slack off. Sunday and Monday I did crossfit with my husband and friend Neil. Today I went to Ab Lab and Strong Bodies at the gym. Tomorrow I am planning on going to spinning and then the stair climber at the gym.

Not much to say today but I will send you off with a cute picture of my niece....okay my brother is in it too but he's not the important one! haha sorry Rodney.
ahhhh love her!!!!!!

Please leave me some comments with topic suggestions!

Finding your brand..

Personal branding is a current trend. I don't know that I want to call it a 'brand' but I do want to be know for a few things. I am going to use myself as an example for branding yourself!

I have been reading about personal branding and it seems that the best way to start is by creating a list of things that you want to be known for. You want to choose only 4-5 things because if you get to many things going it will be hard for people to remember. You should also be honest with yourself. If you try to be someone or something your not then you have done all this for nothing.
Here is my list:
Great Wife

After you have found what you want to be known for you need to prioritize your list.

Great Wife

Develop your personal statement, like a mission statement.
This can be difficult to figure out. One way to do this is to talk out loud to yourself. Talk about why each one is important to you. Then take that information and develop a few sentences which will be your mission statement.

Honest: I think being honest is the only way to be. If I am not honest then I am not being true to myself. The only way to be happy is to be honest about what you want and honest about if you are getting that. Everyone should be honest with themselves and be honest with each other. Most conflict can be avoided if all parties are honest.
Great Wife: I do everything I can to be a great wife. Right now that means being more independent, cooking, cleaning, and being supportive of James while he is in flight school. What it means to be a great wife is going to change many times throughout my life but the best thing I can do is to go with it. Living an Army lifestyle can be very taxing on a relationship but I am committed, understanding, and adaptive so I know we will be fine.
Kind/Caring: I want people to realize that I am a kind, caring person who wants to always do what is right and help others. I have became a better person in the last year of my life and I want to help others to better themselves as well.
Fun: I think being fun in as many aspects of life as possible allows me to be happy! Finding the fun/playful things about a situation make it easier to handle even difficult situations. Being outgoing will also be a part of this. always having fun and trying new things.

Mission: I strive to be honest with myself and others, A supportive wife to my amazing husband no matter what situations are thrown our way. I try to be kind  and caring to everyone I meet, and a fun outgoing person in everything that I do! With these characteristics in my life I will be able to be helpful to others  while being true to myself.

Align your online identity with your personal mission. So often people don't think about what they are putting on their social media accounts. The things you say 'type' on your social media sites represents your and your brand. Think about if you were a stranger looking at your social media site. Would you see your mission or would you see something else.

I hope that this helps y'all to know a little more about personal branding!

Wait.wait. wait....

Quick Note:

I am so tired of waiting to find out where we are moving to next. We are on week 4 of them saying 'it will be this week' and I am so ready to know! I don't care where in the world they are sending us but it would be nice to know! 

Maybe I should have posted this in the rant section but I didn't so here it is!  

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Monday!

Today definitely did NOT seem like a Monday today. I mean it did in the sense that I had bootcamp today. It did not seem like Monday because I was so super productive! That isn't normally how I am on Mondays. 

This morning at bootcamp we did a ruck through some awesome trails! My ruck had 25 pounds in it! Normally I have 15. I did take a little tumble today haha! When we were jogging through the trails my toe got got on a tree root and I fell flat on my front. Luckily I kept my face from hitting the ground and managed to get by with nothing more than a little abrasion on my thigh! whew! Thanks to the two people that helped me up. Not sure who it was but thanks! 

When I got home I took a quick shower and then it was off to Wal-Mart to buy this weeks groceries. I absolutely HATE Wal-Mart. Last week I found that if I wear my headphones it is tolerable but, I forgot to bring them with me this week. It wasn't as bad as normal so I am thankful for that! 
After Wal-Mart I had 1 hour until I had to take Optimus (puppy) to the vet for her second part of the influenza vaccine. WHAT? My puppy gets a flu shot and I don't even get one for myself haha! Can you say spoiled! In my free hour I turned on Magic Mike and cleaned the house! I did all the laundry today and put it all away. That doesn't sound like much to most people but I am one of those people that restarts the drier 3 times because I don't want to put the clothes away. 
***Side note about the word clothes. I don't know about anyone else  but My husband actually pronounces the -th- in the word clothes. I do not. I basically say 'close'. Am I the only one who thinks that is weird?

I made a simple chicken Cesar salad for dinner and I tried a healthy dessert I found on Pinterest.  I sliced a banana and sprinkled it with cinnamon and drizzled it with honey! It was so good and satisfied my sweet tooth! 

I feel very accomplished today! 

I know I mentioned yesterday that I am going to do a 10K on post. I realized today that the race is only 6 weeks away! I should probably get started on running a bit more! a lady at bootcamp told me about the app 5k - 10k. I wish it was free. I think I will look it up on Pinterest, I bet there is one on there! 

So I decided not to watch the superbowl last night but I did look up some of the commercials on youtube today and I have to say 'So God Made a Farmer' gave me chills. It made me think of my grandpa and all the other farmers in my hometown! In case you didn't see it... 

So now the house is clean, laundry done, supper done, time for The Bachelor! 2 hours! Tonight and Tomorrow! Can I just say that I hate Tiearra. I know that I don't personally know her but I think she is on the show for the wrong reasons and that even though she is not a fan of the other girls she should at lease be civil. Does she really want to be miserable the entire time she is in the house?
Right now I think my favorites are Leasly M. and Selma. I kinda like Sarah too! 

I just saw the preview and it is official I really want to see the movie Safe Haven. It comes out on Valentines day and I will not be going to the movies anytime soon so, if any one out there sees it you should let me know what you think! 

The TV series Monday Mornings premiers tonight but I can't decide if I want to watch the show or read the book first. If I can find the book for cheap somewhere I may try to read it quickly and then play catchup on Hulu! Goodness I love Hulu. If we didn't have it there is no way I could watch as many shows throughout the week as I want to. Some of the shows I watch are on at the same time and some of them are on later than we stay up haha! 

I don't have any significant pictures for tonight's blog..Sad face.. I love to post pictures for everyone to see. So, what the heck here are some random pictures The one below is me on a windy day when I was outside with the puppy and the one to the right is my little niece. She is a couple months older than that now but how cute is she!!!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fork in the road...

Ever since I quit my job to move in with James this past June I have been trying to figure out what my next move will be. When I first got to Alabama the plan was for me to get a small job, something such as working at a coffee shop or local store. That didn't pan out. It turns out having a degree can also keep you from getting a job. After a while I pretty much gave up on finding a job in Enterprise. Now that we are about to move again in a few months I am trying to figure out what I am going to do.  I am currently an Athletic Trainer but I am not sure that I want to continue pursuing that career. While I love the job and I love helping people, the schedule of that job doesn't work well with James' and I don't want to have a job where I never see my husband.
athletic training is also a job that gets little pay for a lot of work with little thanks for what you do. After working in a school for a year I realized that being 5'0 and young makes kids think you have no authority, making it very difficult to do my job. The problem is I haven't seen myself doing anything other than athletic training since I was a freshman in high school. I have so many ideas of what a good job for me would be that I can't get on one path. I have interest in photography, respiratory therapy, fitness instructing, and dental hygiene.  I am currently most interested in fitness instructing. This is something I enjoy and doesn't take as long to get certified as the others. I am for sure wanting to become a spinning instructor if nothing else. I love spinning class! I learned about a place where Army spouses can get money for schooling. To help them achieve careers that are easily transferable around the country. To apply for that  I have to gather all the information on all the classes I want to take and submit the information for approval. I guess the first step is figuring out what I want to do. While writing this I think I have already narrowed it down to photography and fitness. I know fitness is on the approval list but I don't think photography is. I guess that will help me to decide. Second step, wait on the army to give us orders so I can locate the schools I need to so I can complete the third step, typing out all the information and submit it! 

My puppy is loving this half way nice weather. The past two days she has spent a lot of time outside. I am finally starting to feel okay about leaving her outside by herself. Something I stopped doing when she had her 'episode' in July. Today I let her outside and watched her from the window. She was so cute laying in the sun! Oh my I just LOVE her! Her is a picture of her and my baby Diesel! I wish he could go outside too.

James and I stopped at the gas station on the way to church this morning and I saw a sign that I could not resist taking a picture of or resist showing all of you! I don't normally talk bad about the south so I am going to hope that this is just a poorly educated individual.

Well, I think that might all for tonight! Please Please Please leave me some comments with topics that y'all would like me to ramble about.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Lazy, Lazy, Lazy! That is what my day has been! Well, not completely. I did run a 5K this morning. The Black History Month 5K at Ft. Rucker. I did better than I thought I would 32:30. I improved my time by 4 minutes from my last time. I came in 13th in my age group. I know that isn't a good but it is improvement and that is what I was looking for. For the first time I didn't walk at all on this course! That was my goal!
This is my team 'bootcamp babes 3'               
 I have decided that my next adventure is going to be a 10K eek. I have never ran that far before! Looks like I better get to work! Speaking of that I have agreed to do crossfit with my husband and his buddies when bootcamp is over. I am also going to start running everyday again. This routine will start in two weeks! Bootcamp ends on the 15th. I can't believe that it has already been 4 weeks since we started bootcamp class! It seems like it is going so quickly! Really this last year has gone extremely fast! It seems like yesterday I was driving down for James' WOCS graduation! A trip that was followed by many more trips the following 3 months while James lived here in Alabama and I was still living in Tennessee. So glad the long distance times are over...for now!

Jen and I- 2011
I missed a call from my best friend today while I was running the 5K. Sad! I haven't talked to her in at least a week and I am not a fan of that! She lives in Indiana! She really needs to come visit me ASAP! You hear that Jen!!!!!! 
Of course I have to post a picture of us! If y'all haven't figured it out I love pictures and I will post a lot! 

James and I signed up for 'wine down' today. It's this painting class at this store downtown Enterprise. It's so fun! They have a different painting each Friday and they teach you step by step how to paint them. You also bring your own beverages! ha! I did this once before and it was so fun! I didn't think I could paint but it turns out with direction I can. husband is a nerd! I mean I knew this already but it's officially true! He has spent almost the entire day playing this video game on his computer haha! I mean literally has has been playing it for HOURS! He did take a break to wash his car. Which the dog helped him do! It was so cute. She hung out in the yard with him, no leash, no fence and she just hung out! So of course I took pictures! 

I am really wanting to get more into photography! I mean growing up I always wanted to be a photographer. 
Maybe I can get to that one day! 
I was hoping to get a nice camera! Like a fancy Nikon. That is until I looked at the price of those! HA! HA! HA! It would take me years to save enough for one of those. Unless I get a good job the next time we move then maybe! 

But anyways...Back to the puppy! She is so cute. I  mean I might be a little bias since she is my baby girl but come on, look at her! She is my little cuddle puppy. She is currently asleep with her head on my him. I am actually really uncomfortable but I don't want to move because I don't want to wake her up! :)
I saw a really cute puppy today at the 5K. It was an Australian Sheppard! They have such pretty eyes. The problem is I think they are cute puppies but not as cute as adults. Just my opinion though! 

So I cook dinner everyday but today my husband decided he was going to cook us burgers tonight. Well, at about 5:00 he came out of the office and asked if he could have a few more minutes that was an hour ago haha! I'm getting hungry! :D

I have been watching series' on Netflix pretty much since I moved here in June. I have watched so many that I have am trying to find new things to watch. I just finished One Tree Hill last week. I am so sad that this it is over. I have started Gossip Girl. I love Blake Lively as an actress and I love her hair! It's funny to see all the old Verizon cell phones used in this show. A lot of the orange flip open full keyboard phone that I used to have in college. haha! That thing was a brick. Everyone had it and now everyone an iphone...including me but mine sucks. I mean I love the iphone but I have the 4 not the 4s which would be fine with me if mine wasn't so stinkin slow! 

Okay well, that might be enough ramblings for now! Goodnight everyone! Leave me some comments if you would like! :D


Friday, February 1, 2013

Check out my tabs!

There is a new tab at the top of my blog! This is a place where I post random quotes and sayings that I love! I hope there is something there that y'all love as well!

Post Dinner Ramblings..

I know, I know
Geez Laney two post today! Didn't you say enough earlier! Ha Those that know me know I have a lot to say! To be honest I am not sure why I have so much to talk about today but why not?

I made "Sweet and Sexy Wings" for dinner (recipe from You can find this recipe in my recipes tab at the top of my blog! They were yummy but next time I think I will make some changes to more suit my taste! The flavor was amazing but I think I should have marinated them over night or at least all day and I may have liked them better if they were a bit more 'crispy' I think I will bake them without them setting in the juices.  Calling all cooks....any tips on how to get them crispy without losing flavor or burning them would be greatly appreciated! We also had pizza and beer (in a frosted mug)! I know, I am an awesome wife! I mean it is probably not the best idea to have wings, pizza, and beer and then go run a 5K tomorrow morning but oh well! We are really going to start getting more into the paleo diet. DIET- I hate that word I like lifestyle better. The only thing we are running into is that to have non bland paleo meals cost a bit more than we want to spend on meals. I guess being fit has its price! :)

5K..oh my! I know this isn't a large distance but for this girl it currently is. I want to run a half marathon but I just can't get back into the swing of running when I took 2 months off. I guess when bootcamp is over I am going to get back to running everyday. I am also going to start doing cross fit with my husband and his buddies. I am slightly excited. I mean I am excited about doing cross fit and being fit but I am not a fan about working out with my husband and his buddies because they are so much more advanced than me and I don't like when people are watching me workout. But I will get over it once I start seeing results!

I read a blog post from "Ramblings of a Caffeinated Army Wife"  about how while doing a full military move (where contracted movers come to your home, pack your things, and move them for you, you leave and then your things meet you there) their items were very damaged and lost. I know that your objects are insured through the company and are replaced if this happens but there are some things that can't be replaced.  This makes me nervous because in May we will be doing a military move. It is common to put your valuable in your own vehicle and drive them yourself but to be honest I just don't want my things damaged and lost. James and I were talking about this and he tells me that this is a rare occurrence and that these people know what they are doing but I need some reassurance. Has anyone done these full moves before? What was your experience?

Long Hair Cuts With Side Bangs And LayersI have been considering a change in hair style! The only problem is that I love my hair the way it is right now and I am afraid that if I change it I won't like it. I know, it's only hair it will grow back. The thing is my hair grows sooooooooo SLOW. Here is the hair style I am I am thinking about. I could really use your input.

Seriously people! Give me some comments on all the question I ask I am interested in what you think and what you think I should ramble about!

catching up!

It's been an exciting week at the Lewellyn house. Okay not so much for me but James flew a Blackhawk for the first time on Tuesday! I am so excited for him. He is so amazing and I love when good things happen for him! 

My bootcamp class is still going strong. It is becoming a little easier to for me to complete the classes. I got a pretty awesome, by that I mean painful, bruise on my knee last week when we were doing the obstacle course. I tried to clear this large wooded object and didn't get my leg cleared over it but slammed my knee into it instead. Yeah, it felt great! 

This picture doesn't really show how dark the bruise got but you can see the size. ouuuchy! The great thing about bootcamp is that the jeans that didn't fit me 4 weeks ago fit me now!!! YAY! 

 This morning we did yoga out by the lake on post. This sounds like it would be very relaxing a tranquil. I also thought it would be. I love yoga and I love how it makes me feel. The difference with this mornings yoga was that it was 45 degrees F, there were helicopters flying over head, and explosives going off. I guess that is as relaxing as it gets on an Army base haha!

<--- Isn't this what you want to see on your way to go yoga by the lake?!


Last weekend we went hiking with some friends at Conecuh National Forest! It was fun! I think I want to go hiking more often! We walked 6 miles and I was pooped after that. If you live in the southern Alabama, Northern, Florida area I recommend that you visit this national forest you will enjoy it! 

I have been trying to cook healthier dinners which has lead me to start looking into Paleo meals. If you don't know what paleo is here you go: 
The paleolithic diet (abbreviated paleo diet or paleodiet), also popularly referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gatherer diet, is a modern nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that various hominid species habitually consumed during the Paleolithic era—a period of about 2.5 million years which ended around 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture and grain-based diets. In common usage, such terms as the "Paleolithic diet" also refer to the actual ancestral human diet.[1][2]
Centered on commonly available modern foods, the "contemporary" Paleolithic diet consists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts, and excludes wheat, grains, legumes, dairy products, potatoes, refined salt, refined sugar, and processed oils

I will post the three paleo recipes I  tried this week in the recipes tab of my blog. (Lemon Pepper Chicken, Magic Brownies, and Sweet and Sexy wings). I found an awesome website oh paleo meals you all should check it out 

Yesterday was awesome! For those of you that haven't read my other entries. I posted a while back about how difficult I find it to make friends as an adult and how hard I find it to make friends in a new place. But yesterday a girl from my bootcamp class had a get together for all of us to have lunch and hang out and it was so much fun! I normally don't enjoy hanging out with women because it always turns into them bashing other people and that just isn't my style. This group of women was not like that at all. They are all so fun and friendly! After yesterday I want to have a get together at my place for everyone like she did. I am thinking it would be fun to have a cupcake party. I can't figure out how to go about a cupcake party. I currently have three ideas. 
1- I could bake 3 or 4 kinds of cupcakes and have them ready when everyone gets here. 
2- I people either bake some cupcakes to bring or bring drinks
3- I could bake the cupcakes but not ice them and have each person ice their cupcake as they wish. 
Your comments would be much appreciated. 

Let me know what y'all think. I would love to hear from my readers!