Friday, February 1, 2013

Post Dinner Ramblings..

I know, I know
Geez Laney two post today! Didn't you say enough earlier! Ha Those that know me know I have a lot to say! To be honest I am not sure why I have so much to talk about today but why not?

I made "Sweet and Sexy Wings" for dinner (recipe from You can find this recipe in my recipes tab at the top of my blog! They were yummy but next time I think I will make some changes to more suit my taste! The flavor was amazing but I think I should have marinated them over night or at least all day and I may have liked them better if they were a bit more 'crispy' I think I will bake them without them setting in the juices.  Calling all cooks....any tips on how to get them crispy without losing flavor or burning them would be greatly appreciated! We also had pizza and beer (in a frosted mug)! I know, I am an awesome wife! I mean it is probably not the best idea to have wings, pizza, and beer and then go run a 5K tomorrow morning but oh well! We are really going to start getting more into the paleo diet. DIET- I hate that word I like lifestyle better. The only thing we are running into is that to have non bland paleo meals cost a bit more than we want to spend on meals. I guess being fit has its price! :)

5K..oh my! I know this isn't a large distance but for this girl it currently is. I want to run a half marathon but I just can't get back into the swing of running when I took 2 months off. I guess when bootcamp is over I am going to get back to running everyday. I am also going to start doing cross fit with my husband and his buddies. I am slightly excited. I mean I am excited about doing cross fit and being fit but I am not a fan about working out with my husband and his buddies because they are so much more advanced than me and I don't like when people are watching me workout. But I will get over it once I start seeing results!

I read a blog post from "Ramblings of a Caffeinated Army Wife"  about how while doing a full military move (where contracted movers come to your home, pack your things, and move them for you, you leave and then your things meet you there) their items were very damaged and lost. I know that your objects are insured through the company and are replaced if this happens but there are some things that can't be replaced.  This makes me nervous because in May we will be doing a military move. It is common to put your valuable in your own vehicle and drive them yourself but to be honest I just don't want my things damaged and lost. James and I were talking about this and he tells me that this is a rare occurrence and that these people know what they are doing but I need some reassurance. Has anyone done these full moves before? What was your experience?

Long Hair Cuts With Side Bangs And LayersI have been considering a change in hair style! The only problem is that I love my hair the way it is right now and I am afraid that if I change it I won't like it. I know, it's only hair it will grow back. The thing is my hair grows sooooooooo SLOW. Here is the hair style I am I am thinking about. I could really use your input.

Seriously people! Give me some comments on all the question I ask I am interested in what you think and what you think I should ramble about!

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