Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The title says it all! It was day 2 of bootcamp today and I am so sore. I can barely walk, sit, or bend. You name it, it hurts to do it.
Today we did a 'ruck' that would be wearing a ruck sack aka big backpack with a ten pound weight in it. We started out walking until we got to the big hill at which point we bear crawled up it..fun..then we ran up the next small hill when we reached the top we had to high knee in place until the rest of the people finished bear crawling. After that we fast walked/jogged until we got to this open area that is when we did 15 push ups then got back up and started side shuffling to the right, then to the left. Then when we got to the next hill we had to run backwards up that hill. When we got to the top we again had to high knees until everyone was done. Then we ran again to the next open area and did 1 min plank (she said to do a modified plank if we couldn't hold the entire minute so I asked how to do a modified plank and instead of just telling me she said "were you in class yesterday" oops I guess I missed that one). After that we ran until we got to this bridge where we had to run backwards when we got to the trainer we had to turn around and run again to the next open area. When we got there we had to do air squats then 13 push-ups. after that we had to fast walk until the next hill and high knees until everyone got there. Then we ran to the end of the course and come back and run to the finish again with the slowest person. 
whew it made me tired just to type all that haha
 As sore as I am I am still glad that I am in this class. Even if it sucks and the instructor is kind of a b....  yeah well you get it. 

I keep wanting to take a before picture but I keep forgetting to do it. Maybe I will remember to do that as soon as I am off here!

 Everyday my husband remind me of how much he takes on and how strong he is. Today it became even more evident that the next 4 months are going to be non stop studying for him. He went to class early, studied through his lunch, came home, ate dinner, and has been studying ever since! It's like watching me when I was in college. 

Well, that's it for me tonight! Good night y'all! 


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