Sunday, June 9, 2013

Our 1500 Mile move!

My View for 1500 miles.

This post is a bit late, okay very late! We packed the Alabama house, rented a 26' Penske truck, and filled it to the top! We planned to make the 1500 mile drive in two days, stopping for the night in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but as we got towards the evening on day one we realized that due to construction traffic and rain we were tired and hadn't made it as far as we had planned. With some internet searching from my sister (over the phone) we found a new hotel and stopped in Little Rock, Arkansas on day one Salina, Kansas. 

For anyone planning to travel with fur babies (pets) I highly recommend LaQuinta Inn. They are pet friendly with no crazy rules like keeping your pet caged at all times. The only thing they told us was they would prefer if we didn't leave them alone and we were responsible for any damages they cause. 

Optimus thought she should drive!
We had a very smooth trip. The most trouble we had was getting into the temporary apartment we are staying in until we close on our house. When we called ahead they told us we could pay all the deposits with debit/credit card but when we got here they decided they would only take a money order, which you can't get unless you have cash... To make a LONG story short it was a long 3 hours trying to get the cash needed to pay the deposits and get our keys! Business professionals giving misguided information to it's customers is one of my biggest pet peeves! 

But all and all our trip was a success and we are here in the smallest apartment I have ever seen. 

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